Personal العربية


At Excel invest we always strive to excel in providing our customers with the highest levels of service. Please do help us by sending your complaints through one of the following channels:

  • Direct calls to the Compliance Officer: 0096265516809
  • By fax at: 0096265519657
  • P.O Box 942453 - Amman - 1194 - Jordan
  • Email to: [email protected]
  • By personal visit to the company 

Time frames for handling customer complaints:

Customer complaints in the company handle the complaint within 15 working days, and the period can be extended to additional periods depending on the nature of the complaint, provided that it does not exceed 30 working days in accordance with the instructions issued in particular, provided that the waiting period does not fall within the above period in the event that supporting documents and documents or any deficiencies are requested. After receiving the complaint.

If the customer is not convinced by the company’s response to the complaint submitted, the customer can resort to the complaints unit at the Bank of Jordan, the Central Bank, the Securities Commission, or the judiciary.